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Women handle money better than men "I did it! "My sister declared louis vuitton bags to me over the phone recently.So, at age 33, she did something completely un julie like:Without another job in hand, julie gave two weeks' notice to her employer. I say un julie like because my sister is the ultimate fiscal conservative.The most she ever spent on any one luxury was a $200 cuckoo clock she bought in germany, and it wasn't even for her.But if anyone can survive without a salary or health insurance for a while, it's the person i affectionately call"Cheapie,"A name that usually earns louis vuitton uk me a telepathic head slap. Julie comes to mind after reading"On my own two feet:A modern girl's guide to personal finance. " The book says: "Most young women would love to live a carefree lifestyle filled with lunches, louis vuitton, and lattes, but what you might not know is that doing so can lead to future financial breakdown. " Sadly, the book more accurately applies to me, minus the modern girl thing, of course.I'm the spendthrift;Julie is the saver.I indulge in smoothies and hbo;Julie has exactly three fuzzy channels. louis vuitton bags uk outlet (I, however, draw the line at louis vuitton bags. ) Manisha thakor, who wrote the book with sharon kedar, acknowledges that their financial advice applies to men and women.ButThakor said her book is geared toward women because they arguably need it more:Single women now outnumber married women, and two thirds of women over 65 support themselves entirely on social security checks. "We are the ones left holding the bag at the end of the day,"Thakor said. A steady stream of recent books has touched upon this subject"Women and money,"Make money, not excuses"And i'm starting to wonder what people think when they see"Prince charming isn't coming"Lying on my desk. Thakor said her book targets women in their 20s and 30s to"Get them engaged early on.As you get older, it gets dramatically harder"To fix your finances, she said. The book warns women against assuming a significant other's debt. "There are all too many stories of kind hearted women who have taken on their partners' student loan or credit card debt"Only to be left partly responsible for the debt should the relationship fail. Thakor tells me that women still tend to want a man who will financially support them.At the same time, she says women also want to take care of their men, hence the warning on debt consolidation. "Never before in history have women had so much power,"Thakor said. "In a sense, we want to make sure that the things that go along with being a woman end up not negating the great strides women have made over the years. " Personally, i always thought women, like my sister, were more financially responsible than men.According to a recent survey by ameriprise financial, seven in 10 americans think their mother louis vuitton uk online shopping is or was a good financial role model.Interestingly, slightly more men(74 percent)Than women(64 percent)Felt that way. So if we believe women are better financial stewards, then why do we need books like thakor's?Simple, she says.Neither men nor women have much of a clue when it comes to financial literacy. I don't know.With women today not only living longer but also earning greater salaries and career advancement, i think the smart money is on the ladies.

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